United Nations name Lionel Messi as their... er, "responsible tourism ambassador"

Being a professional footballer for one of the world's most successful clubs means plenty of global travel – and Messi, therefore, is no stranger to a flight or two.

Being Barcelona's all-time top scorer and arguably the greatest player of all time is also pretty sweet – the kind of reputation that might explain why the UN have aligned themselves with the diminutive destroyer to anoint him their "responsible tourism ambassador". Haven't we all dreamed of such a gig? 

"During my travels I've had the opportunity to know other cultures and societies as well as other ways to see the world, and this is very enriching," Messi's official statement read.

"I'm happy I can join this mission of promoting responsible tourism."

According to the UN, "responsible tourism" is defined as tourism that "helps maximise the sector's benefits while minimising its potentially negative impact on the environment, cultural heritage and societies across the globe". Basically: don't be knuckle-dragging Neanderthals, yeah?

Better watch out anyway, Leo: Big Sam's on the prowl. 

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