5 ways to stay fit on the beach

1 Don’t neglect the basics

You may be on the beach and only planning a fairly light workout, but even then you need to warm-up properly. You can do this with a gentle jog and some dynamic stretches for your hamstring, quads and glutes. You want to spend at least 10 minutes on this before getting into your proper workout.

2 Built for strength

Focus on different routines for different goals. If you’re looking to maintain strength then your best bet is a circuit involving different body weight exercises: squats, slow press-ups, plank, side-plank and sand sprints. Cycle through the circuit twice for a short, sharp burst of strength training.

3 Aerobic fitness

If your goal is simply to stay fit during your holiday, then you need to work to a different circuit. Start with beach sprints. You can do these on the flat part of the beach or, if possible, up a sandy slope. The combination of running on soft sand and up a hill is one of best exercises you can do anywhere, let alone on a beach. Combine this exercise with lunges and squats before switching to something like a game of head tennis for 10 minutes. Repeat twice.

4 Keep it fun

If you don’t really want to think about proper circuits, then beach games are a great way of maintaining fitness while having fun. Beach volleyball, head tennis, beach football and even games of frisbee can help prevent the holiday pounds from piling on.


5 Hydration is key

It goes without saying that if you’re working out on the beach, you need to make sure you take in plenty of fluids. Powerade ION 4 contains four of the essential minerals lost in sweat, while the sodium in Powerade ION 4 will help offset dehydration and the 19.5g of carbs will provide the necessary energy for your beach workout.