How to avoid injury during pre-season

As a player, the last thing you want is bad preparation to invite an unnecessary injury. Some don't need any encouragement as it is, as poor Abou Diaby will testify. 

So don't, you silly sausages. Aiding your recovery during a hard pre-season could be easier than you think, according to elite performance coach Karl Halabi.

"For me the biggest thing is release work; so foam rolling and good mobility work to reset the muscle and nervous system ready for the exposure again," he says. 

"Release after intense work for an amateur player could be a simple tennis ball. You sit on it and release the glute, the piraformis and the TFL – the muscle on the hip. 

"Or even a simple foam roller – it'd be the best £10 investment I'd advocate for releasing tight muscles. When lengthening muscles, if you integrate a certain movement into the pattern then you'll move more efficiently." 

Karl Halabi was speaking at the Science + Football Conference. This year's conference is on Sunday, April 12 at St George's Park. For more information visit